Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Photoshop Tutorial

1. Explain in detail a section you found very interesting and helpful in the Adobe Photoshop Tutorial. How would apply that new learning in a design you create?

The section that I found most interesting overall was the one titled "What Is Photoshop?" . I felt this section met all the requirements needed to inform someone who has no idea what photoshop is about it. I also enjoyed the examples it presented and I know the knowledge I acquired will help me in the future if I decide to extend my Digital Imaging class. 

2. What is an alternative to Adobe Photoshop that you may use when you do not have Adobe Photoshop installed in your computer?

I know a few alternatives that can help someone who does not or cannot gain access to Adobe Photoshop. One is GIMP available for Windows, Mac & Linux. A second option is Pixlr available on Windows, Mac, web & mobile! It's always a great idea to know alternative methods to complete a certain blog post without going through so much trouble. Sometimes you're at a library and the available computers don't always have every needed app installed.

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