What did you learn about Google Drive?
I learned that google drive is very useful. It has many built-in applications, from translation to navigation. I find it very useful for people of all age ranges. Google drive also has apps that help out for students in school. It can also be a great work medium. I really enjoy being able to access all these apps from my cellphone and computer. It's great that we are able to to so much on the go. If you want to type an essay while you're in the car or it's simply late all you have to do is have the "Google Docs" installed in your phone. Therefore, when you arrive at your printing spot you can print directly from your mobile device. Once you have finished typing your draft you do not need to worry about saving it, because the app itself does it for you. There are many other great apps that allow you to anything you need. If you want to listen to music, or watch videos there's YouTube. Fact is, Google has absolutely everything you need for a daily use.
What is your favorite App?
My favorite app is Google Maps. It is very useful for when you are about to go somewhere you've never gone to before. It is as useful as being able to ask Siri for the time. It has great features that enable you to have a 'street view' of the place where you're going. It also has an option of how many miles far it's from you; even if you're walking or taking the bus. It also gives you routes in which you can take to get to your destination quicker. If you normally ride the bus, Google Maps offers many bus routes to fit your needs. It also shows where there is traffic jams to avoid. It also very useful to have on your mobile device because it doesn't require to be downloaded.